This section
will be the repository for techniques, hints and tips for restorers. If
you have techniques you would like to broadcast to a wider audience, e-mail
me on
and I will
add it to this page, with due acknowledgement.
Every effort
will be made to avoid infringing the copyrights of any other Web site
or any copyrighted published material. If you feel any items do infringe
such copy right, please e-mail me immediately on
and I will
remove it as soon as possible and then investigate as necessary.
Always find as much information as possible about the instrument before
you begin. Find other collectors who have restored similar items and
get their advice. Buy or borrow a book , if there is one. When you are
confident you know what you are doing, dismantle methodically and make
a note of every stage. Note where all screws came from (use a cereal
box with a drawing on it and poke holes for the screws. You can also
use a slab of polystyrene (keep bits from packing or use ceiling tiles).
Little boxes, or boxes with compartments are also useful for keeping
small bits - add notes on pieces of paper. Use egg cartons if no boxes
available. If you have the facility, use a digital camera or cam-corder
(these are also invaluable if you decide to write up your experiences
for a society journal - or even post on this web site!)
Take extra care
where dismantlement means taking apart glued joints (e.g. in player
pianos and some organettes). Proceed carefully with limited force to
try and avoid splitting the wood, otherwise you could end up haveing
to make completely new wooden parts. If you do have to make parts, try
and find old wood which will be good and dry and less likely to warp.
Pieces from instruments which are too far gone shoudl be kept for this
purpose. On reassembly of any glued joints it is best to use hot (hide)
glue which will give the best chance of disassembly by future generations
of restorers.
If you are in
any doubt at all about your ability to successfully complete a restoration,
stop, and consider the services of a professional restorer. Every botched
or scrapped instrument is a serious loss, and must be avoided at all
costs. Consider that you are really just a custodian of the instrument
for the present - it will eventually be passed on to future generations
for them to enjoy.